Fine Art Photographers

Victor Albrow
Victor Albrow
Photographs sometimes plastician, photomontages all except realistic but representative of certain contemporary artistic tendencies.
Alfons Alt
Araki Nobuyoshi
Araki Nobuyoshi
Peter Beard
Peter Beard
The African, Elephants, Crocodiles and Lions, Danger and Venture.
Valérie Belin
Valérie Belin
Contemporary artist... Empty portraits masks "on the surface of the things".
Nick Brandt
Nick Brandt
American animalist photographer. Portraits of animals of a large humanity.
Joel Cadiou
Joel Cadiou
Work mainly on India. Astonishing images of another time. It's a pity that the false ornamentationand the turn sepia are so systematic.
Brigitte Carnochan
Brigitte Carnochan
Plants, bodies, work of chromy very carefull.
Vicky Ceelen

Vicky Ceelen

Visual analogies, children, Nature, general public art...
Gregory Colbert

Gregory Colbert

Ashes and snow

Desiree Dolron
Desiree Dolron
Young Dutch Photographer. Images of report of a strange violence on the religious exaltation, the light in Cuba. An artistic approach of the portrait very Flemish.
Andrzej Dragan
Andrzej Dragan
Young engaged Polish Photographer, interesting and deep portraits.
Elliot Erwitt
Elliot Erwitt
Dogs and other images.
Brian Finke
Brian Finke
Caustic photographs on the American society. There is of Martin Parr in this photographer.
David Fokos
David Fokos
Water landscapes and purified horizons.
Frank Follet
Frank Follet
Black and white images with graphics pure and orientalizing.
Peter Funch
Peter Funch
Photographer of Danish origine, urban landscapes of NY in Bangkok and other tests.
Ralph Gibson
Ralph Gibson
Self-Eclipses ...
Paolo Gioli
Paolo Gioli
Painter and Italian Photographer, destructuration, recombining, Ciba, Polaroid.
Nan Goldin
Nan Goldin
Peter Gowland
Peter Gowland
Extraordinary. Great Art.
Peter Granser
Peter Granser
Critical portraits of deep America.
Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
Very traditional portraits of celebrities.
Josef Hoflehner
Josef Hoflehner
Images black & white with purified graphics. Water universe, of snow, work on space and the ruptures borders.
Nadav Kander
Nadav Kander
Bodies, Portraits, Landscapes, Settings in scenes. Interior and External Spaces, the body in these spaces. A beautiful work.
Michael Kenna
Michael Kenna
Beautiful graphic images in black and white. Work also in publicity primarily for automobile marks.
Michel Lagarde
Michel Lagarde
Photo hobbyist with the assemblies astonishing and burlesques. In situ Self-portraits.
Mario Lalich
Mario Lalich
Croat living with NY, humour and provocation, good and less good things...
Leora Laore
Leora Laore
Israeli photographer. Work on the light and the colors, few faces, the remote bodies, the back-lights ...
Michael Levin

Michael Levin

Black and White.

Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux
Strange feeling of faintness, glances of children empty, sad, without life ... However we continue to look at these images icons which transgress...
Michèle Maurin
Michèle Maurin
A great sensiblity, superb gold, copper, iron tonings.
Marie Ellen Mark
Marie Ellen Mark
Portraits ...
Louise Merzeau
Louise Merzeau
Multiple self-hybridizations not to make at home...
Martin Parr
Martin Parr
Terry Richardson
Terry Richardson
Georges Rousse

Georges Rousse

Illusions and recombinings of space.

Adine Sagalyn
Adine Sagalyn
Kaleidoscopic compositions, photographic paintings, industrial frescos.
Jan Saudek
Jan Saudek
It's Saudek.
Stefanie Schneider
Stefanie Schneider
Delicate Polaroid photographies.
Bill Schwab
Bill Schwab
Borders, horizons, water, air grounds, skies mainly in black and white.
Michel Semeniako
Michel Semeniako
Photographs with the flashlight, images underlining, spectral.
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman
Woman by a woman.
Rosalind Solomon
Rosalind Solomon
American photographer influenced by Lisette Model and Diane Arbus. A curious glance.
Hugo Tillman
Hugo Tillman
Caricatural portraits of contemporary China. American upper class portraits.
Patrick Tosani
Patrick Tosani
Plastician photographs. Work per series: masks, clothing, shoes. "precision, the frontality of the catches of sight, clearness, the color, the enlarging" like tool of interrogation.
Nick Veasey
Nick Veasey
Photographs with x-rays. Very graphic and astonishing images of course.
Massimo Vitali
Massimo Vitali
Landscape with characters. Inventory of the collective behaviors in public space. Precision and irony on 8x10 inches.
William Wegman
William Wegman
Worship of the dog
Joel-Peter Witkin
Joel-Peter Witkin
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